Learn GraphQL

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GraphQL API style guide | GitLab
GraphQL API style guide | GitLab

Documentation for GitLab Community Edition, GitLab Enterprise Edition, Omnibus GitLab, and GitLab Runner.


Zero to GraphQL in 30 Minutes – Steven Luscher

video tutorial
Build a GraphQL API with Siler on top of Swoole | Open Swoole PHP
Build a GraphQL API with Siler on top of Swoole | Open Swoole PHP

With Siler we can abstract way "hard" parts from popular tools like GraphQL and recently Swoole. And yes, I'm the author, so feel free to file any issues or make any questions about it.

Learn and Build
The GraphQL Guide
The GraphQL Guide

The complete guide to GraphQL, from a beginner introduction to advanced client and server topics. A comprehensive 886-page book from John Resig, the creator of jQuery. A comprehensive book from John Resig, the creator of jQuery.

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GraphQL - StackBlitz
GraphQL - StackBlitz

GraphQL on Stackblitz

Learn and Build
Blog | GraphQL
Blog | GraphQL

A query language for your API — GraphQL provides a complete description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.

How to GraphQL - The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
How to GraphQL - The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL

Fullstack GraphQL Tutorial to go from zero to production covering all basics and advanced concepts. Includes tutorials for Apollo, Relay, React and NodeJS.

web tutorial
Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client | by Clay Allsopp | Medium
Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client | by Clay Allsopp | Medium

React lets you build user interface components with JavaScript; Relay lets you easily connect your React components to data from a remote server. Relay accomplishes this by being opinionated — it…

Learn and Build
Building and Deploying Relay with Facebook - YouTube
Building and Deploying Relay with Facebook - YouTube

This talk will explore the Relay framework in depth: why the team built it, the guiding principles behind the design, and an overview of the architecture. Th...

video tutorial
What is the GraphQL Foundation? | GraphQL
What is the GraphQL Foundation? | GraphQL

A query language for your API — GraphQL provides a complete description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.

Home | Production Ready GraphQL | Blog
Home | Production Ready GraphQL | Blog

Learn GraphQL

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Security Points to Consider Before Implementing GraphQL
Security Points to Consider Before Implementing GraphQL

In this piece, we’re going to talk about those issues, highlighting security concerns that an API system supporting GraphQL should acknowledge. While GraphQL itself is not the primary driver of all these concerns, these issues should be addressed within the greater frame of a GraphQL system.

must readblog
Nick Schrock & Dan Schafer - Creating a GraphQL Server at react-europe 2015 - YouTube
Nick Schrock & Dan Schafer - Creating a GraphQL Server at react-europe 2015 - YouTube

In this talk, we'll take a deeper dive into putting GraphQL to work. How can we build a GraphQL API to work with an existing REST API or server-side data mod...

video tutorial
Apollo GraphQL Blog
Apollo GraphQL Blog

We build the Apollo Graph Platform to help developers unify GraphQL across their apps and services.

Introduction to GraphQL | GraphQL
Introduction to GraphQL | GraphQL

A query language for your API — GraphQL provides a complete description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.

9 GraphQL Security Best Practices
9 GraphQL Security Best Practices

GraphQL has no security by default. All doors are open for the most basic attacks. Read more to learn about the exact threats and some simple strategies you can implement to get your users' data under lock and key 🔐

must readblog
Learn GraphQL - [2023] Most Recommended GraphQL Tutorials | Hackr.io
Learn GraphQL - [2023] Most Recommended GraphQL Tutorials | Hackr.io

Learning GraphQL? Check out these best online GraphQL courses and tutorials recommended by the programming community. Pick the tutorial as per your learning style: video tutorials or a book. Free course or paid. Tutorials for beginners or advanced learners. Check GraphQL community's reviews & comments.

web tutorial
London React August - GraphQL at The Financial Times - Viktor Charypar
London React August - GraphQL at The Financial Times - Viktor Charypar

Recently released by Facebook, GraphQL isn't only useful for client-server communication. Viktor will show how Red Badger used the reference implementation - g…

must read
From REST to GraphQL | Jacob Gillespie
From REST to GraphQL | Jacob Gillespie

Exploring the transition from REST APIs to GraphQL at Playlist...

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GitHub - Shopify/graphql-design-tutorial
GitHub - Shopify/graphql-design-tutorial

Contribute to Shopify/graphql-design-tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub.

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