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How To Implement Push Notifications for iOS and Android In React Native
Learn how to set up and customize push notifications for iOS and Android in React Native. Step-by-step guide and useful tips inside.
Tutorial: Apple Music UI Pan Animation | by Jess Hui | Exposition
Varun Nath is back (read more about his background) with another three-part video series, this time on building the pan animation user interface you see in the Apple Music app, covering To follow…
GitHub - sonnylazuardi/ziliun-react-native: Ziliun article reader android app built with React Native
Ziliun article reader android app built with React Native - GitHub - sonnylazuardi/ziliun-react-native: Ziliun article reader android app built with React Native
Engineering at Meta
News about Infrastructure Systems, Open Source, Connectivity, Data Center Engineering, and Developer Tools
Handle deep links in React Native apps | by Artem Starotitorov | The React Native Log | Medium
In this post I would like to walk you through how to add a support of deep linking to your React Native application. I would like to tell you about a react-native-deep-link, a package written by me…
Turn Any* JavaScript Library into a React Native Component | by Reginald Johnson | React Native Training | Medium
This post is a continuation and improvement of the techniques discussed in a previous post. In that article, I described a technique that combined Expo’s ease of development, Webpack’s packaging…
Varun Vachhar - Intro To React Native - YouTube
React Native introduces a new way to write native mobile apps. You can take everything that you know and love about React and apply it to native apps. Unlike...
React Native Animations Using the Animated API | by Nader Dabit | React Native Training | Medium
Getting up and running with React Native Animations. “React Native Animations Using the Animated API” is published by Nader Dabit in React Native Training.
Introducing Redux Offline: Offline-First Architecture for Progressive Web Applications and React… | HackerNoon
<em>This post is a long-form trip report from the depths of building offline-friendly web and mobile applications. If you’re looking to understand the benefits and challenges of Offline-friendly apps, read on.</em>
Reacting to React Native for native WebRTC apps (Alexey Aylarov)
It turns out people like their smartphone apps, so that native mobile is pretty important. For WebRTC that usually leads to venturing outside of JavaScript into the world of C++/Swift for iOS and Java for Android.
Deep Diving React Native Debugging | by Shaheen Ghiassy | Medium
If you’re like me, when you saw how easy debugging React Native applications was, you were mind-blown. Setting breakpoints in Google Chrome to control your iOS device seemed like magic and sorcery…
GitHub - EarlGeorge/timetable: Bus Timetable app React Native
Bus Timetable app React Native. Contribute to EarlGeorge/timetable development by creating an account on GitHub.
How To Build a News Reader App with React Native and NewsAPI | by Aman Mittal | Crowdbotics | Medium
React Native is a great platform to build cross-platform mobile applications for iOs and Android. While there are few other framework options available in the mobile app development space to build…
Guide to Automated Mobile CI/CD for React Native with Appcircle
In this article, we will be building and deploying a React Native app with Appcircle CI/CD with no need for a Mac or any third-party tools.
The Shapes of React Native
The Shapes of React Native
React Native in Production - YouTube
Adam MiskiewiczFacebook is no longer the only company with mobile apps powered by React Native in the App Store.React Native is new, but it’s more than just ...
An iOS Developer on React Native. When I first caught wind of React… | by Chalk + Chisel | iOS App Development | Medium
When I first caught wind of React Native, I thought of it as nothing more than a way for web developers to dip their feet into native mobile apps. The premise that JavaScript developers could write…
Add Snapchat-like AR Lenses to any app w/ Viro AR in React Native | by Danny Moon | VR & AR App Development Blog — Viro Media
This tutorial is a step by step guide for adding Snapchat-like AR features such as animated characters and effects into any app using React Native and Viro AR with ARKit
How to build an interactive AR app in 5 mins w/ React Native & Viro AR | by Danny Moon | VR & AR App Development Blog — Viro Media
Tutorial for building an interactive AR app explaining how to 1) Add a 3D object to the scene 2) Detect planes 3) Place object on a plane 4) Make object draggable in real world
Deploying a React Native App with Fastlane - Part 1
Deploying to iOS/App Store # This is a part of a series of posts about deploying a React Native application with Fastlane. Part 1 - Deploying to iOS/App Store Part 1a - Auto-Increment build numbers Part 2 - Deploying to Android/Google Play Since... | Daniel Banck | CTO at weluse • Amateur Chef
How to Build a Real Time Logo Detection App with React Native, Google Vision API and Crowdbotics | by Aman Mittal | Crowdbotics | Medium
Google Vision API is a great way to add image recognition capabilities to your app. It does a great job detecting a variety of categories such as labels, popular logos, faces, landmarks, and text…
React Native Training – Medium
Stories and tutorials for developers interested in React Native.
React Native Animated for Beginners
Learn the basiscs of React Native Animated.
Free React Native Tutorial - Create a tiny app with React Native | Udemy
Get started with React native with a tiny application - Free Course
9 things every React.js beginner should know - Cam Jackson
9 things every React.js beginner should know - Cam Jackson
React Hooks Basics— Building a React Native App with React Hooks | by Aman Mittal | Crowdbotics | Medium
React 16.8 welcomed the dawn of Hooks. This new addition is both a new concept and pragmatic approach that helps you use state and lifecycle methods behavior in functional React components, that is…
React blog
VSCode for React Native. An opinionated list of extensions to… | by Lorenzo S. | React Native Training | Medium
A while back, one of the most experienced React Native developers I know, Jani Eväkallio, published a great article about all the different tools Formidable started using this last March for a new…
Getting a better understanding of React Native animations | by Karen de Graaf | Oberon | Medium
React Native is great. It’s pretty awesome to be able to build a native app with only JavaScript knowledge. One of the things I like most is making the animations, it can add so much to the…
A Dynamic, Crazy, Native Mobile Future—Powered by JavaScript | by Clay Allsopp | Medium
The single biggest pain when developing iOS apps is you can’t fix or change things at any time. If you find a bug, if you want to run an experiment, if you want to ship a new feature — you submit an…
How to Make a Simple Twitter Clone with React Native | Cosmic
Read blog posts about community news, company announcements, and updates to the Cosmic headless CMS. In this article: How to Make a Simple Twitter Clone with React Native
React.js Conf 2015 Keynote 2 - A Deep Dive into React Native - YouTube
Christopher Chedeau takes us on a quick tour of the React Native architecture and shows off the developer experience.
Free React Native Tutorial - React Native IOS and Android App Development for Beginners | Udemy
Learn the basics of react native in nice and easy way. Get ready to start building real apps for IOS and Android. - Free Course
Oauth 2 with React Native. We’re going to be using React Native to… | by Jehan | Medium
We’re going to be using React Native to make an iPhone app that can interact with a third party API secured by Oauth 2.0. The API that we’ll be using is the Dropbox Core API. This API allows you to…
Hello World – React
Hello World – React
Up & Running with React Native + Visual Studio Mobile Center | by Nader Dabit | React Native Training | Medium
Of all of the reasons companies are switching to React Native vs other means of mobile development, one of the most compelling is the ability to quickly push updates directly to a published app…
How to Build a Web App with React Native | by Aman Mittal | Heartbeat
React Native is a popular cross-platform framework for mobile development. But now, React Native also has the capacity to power web app development. Learn how to get started in this tutorial.
How To Create an Authentication System and a Persistent User Session with React Native | Theodo
When developing a mobile app, it's common to have to build an authentication system. However, requiring the users to provide their username…
Shared Element Transition with React Native | by Narendra N Shetty | We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news | Medium
In this post I will be talking about how to achieve Shared Element Transition with React Native for both iOS and Android. Lets take a look at what we’re going to build. Below is a photo grid example…
How To Build Your First VR App with ViroReact, React Native, and Crowdbotics | by Aman Mittal | Crowdbotics | Medium
Virtual Reality (VR) is an immersive technology that has intentions to improve the experience by providing a three-dimensional realistic environment rendered for the individual to feel real. The…
Latest Posts – The Bakery
Bakers' opinions, projects and adventures.
React Native Authentication in Depth | by Nader Dabit | React Native Training | Medium
Implementing real world production tested multi factor authentication in a React Native application.. “React Native Authentication in Depth” is published by Nader Dabit in React Native Training.
Create a Drag and Drop Component in React Native | by Bi Yoo | React Native Coach
While brainstorming my next React Native app, here’s my first, I wanted to see if there’s an API that tracks gesture so I could create a drag and drop component. Luckily, it wasn’t too hard to find…
Programming React Native by Dotan Nahum [Leanpub PDF/iPad/Kindle]
In this book, we aim to build cross-platform mobile apps, for Android and iOS, using React Native. We'll learn what it means to build a robust application architecture that will stay with you regardless of change in the tooling or ecosystem churn (i.e. by the time you finish your app, there might be new tools and new versions of everything). Whe...
How to automate Android build process on Bitrise CI (part 1) | by Hesam | Medium
There are lots of companies that offer CI services such as Travis CI, Circle CI, Bitrise and etc. I don’t want to focus on the comparison because is not the aim of this story. I have worked with all…
Dive into React Native performance - Engineering at Meta
Optimizing performance is a big part of this. Here is the story of how we made React Native app startup twice as fast.
Free React Native Tutorial - Learn React Native & Build Sticky Notes Application (2023) | Udemy
React Native Tutorial By Indian Coders, Learn React Native With Building Real World Projects and Get A High Paying Job - Free Course
Build Mobile Apps with React Native - React Native Basics
Learn the fundamentals necessary to get an iOS and Android app up and running in a matter of hours.
Wait… What Happens When my React Native Application Starts? — An In-depth Look Inside React Native | by Nicolas Couvrat | Level Up Coding
The great thing about React Native is that it just works. But how, exactly? There is unfortunately little documentation on how does its job. In search of an in-depth explanation? Look no further!
GitHub - iSimar/HackerNews-React-Native: Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native.
Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native. - GitHub - iSimar/HackerNews-React-Native: Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native.
React Native Tools - Visual Studio Marketplace
Extension for Visual Studio Code - Debugging and integrated commands for React Native
Build a chat app with React Native
Benefit from the powerful frameworks like React Native and build a live chat app.
Continuous Integration for React Native Apps With Fastlane and Bitrise (iOS) – The Bakery
This is a third instalment in a miniseries about our experience building TodoMVC application using React Native. First two posts are here and here.
Smart Images in React Native. Update. In order to avoid common… | by William Candillon | Medium
Update. In order to avoid common pitfalls when dealing with React Native images, you should also checkout the story below. All these recipes are available in the react-native-expo-image-cache npm…
beginning-react-native/1.Installation_and_setup.md at master · revskill10/beginning-react-native · GitHub
Issue for the book Beginning React Native. Contribute to revskill10/beginning-react-native development by creating an account on GitHub.
React Native Tutorial (Only UI) - Building Youtube UI in 30 Mins - YouTube
Help me reach 10k subs goal! Please subscribe :)React Native Tutorial (Only UI) - Building Youtube UI in 30 MinsHey everyone! This is a quick video showing ...
Up and Running with React Native and TypeScript | by Nader Dabit | React Native Training | Medium
TypeScript is being picked up by a lot of projects these days. It gives JavaScript static typing, and helps simplify relations between various components.
Getting Started with React Native Development on Windows | by Kevin VanGelder | Red Shift
Update: Our free Installing React Native on Windows 10 course is now available with more up-to-date instructions. You can still follow the original guide below, but some things have gone out of date…