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Benchmark web sites Built with Eleventy over time.
GitHub - ianrose/deventy: A minimal 11ty starting point for building static websites with modern tools.
A minimal 11ty starting point for building static websites with modern tools. - GitHub - ianrose/deventy: A minimal 11ty starting point for building static websites with modern tools.
GitHub - danurbanowicz/eleventy-netlify-boilerplate: A template for building a simple website with the Eleventy static site generator
A template for building a simple website with the Eleventy static site generator - GitHub - danurbanowicz/eleventy-netlify-boilerplate: A template for building a simple website with the Eleventy static site generator
Build An Eleventy (11ty) Site From Scratch | egghead.io
Start from a blank project and build up to an Eleventy site that includes a blog collection and is prepared to source content from a headless CMS. You'll also learn how to add Sass as the styling solution, complete with triggering 11ty to re-compile when the Sass changes.
Learn Eleventy From Scratch | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
The latest edition of Andy Bell's Piccalilli landed in my inbox this morning with a sweet offer: preorder Andy's course on learning Eleventy from scratch at a
Building a Static Site with Eleventy (11ty) Part 1 - YouTube
View my YouTube Course on turning an HTML theme into an 11ty Theme here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOSLUtJ_J3rrJ1R1qEf8CCEpV3GgbJGNrIt's no secr...
Using Webmentions in Eleventy | Max Böck
How to pull interactions from social media platforms like Twitter back to your own site, using Webmentions, webmention.io and Bridgy.
How to Create and Deploy Your First Eleventy Website | DigitalOcean
Learn how to build a website with Eleventy (11ty), a static site generator that gives you simplicity and flexibility.
A Deep Dive Into Eleventy Static Site Generator — Smashing Magazine
Eleventy (aka 11ty) is rising in the ranks among static site generators. This Node-based builder is attractive due to its zero-config starting point, purely static output, and ease of achieving the coveted top Lighthouse performance score of four perfect 100s. Let’s dive into what else makes it unique, and learn about some essential concepts to help you successfully get started.
Learn the Eleventy Static Site Generator by Building and Deploying a Portfolio Website
What is Eleventy? Eleventy (also called 11ty) is a simple yet powerful static site generator. It uses JavaScript to transform data and templates into HTML pages. It’s beginner-friendly, has fast build times, and generates fast sites by default. It also has a very active and friendly community. Eleventy excels at
Tutorials — Eleventy
Tutorials — Eleventy
Learn Eleventy From Scratch | Learn Eleventy From Scratch
Learn how to build a stunning website from scratch with this Eleventy course.
GitHub - binyamin/eleventy-garden: A starter site for building a mind garden with eleventy
:seedling: A starter site for building a mind garden with eleventy - GitHub - binyamin/eleventy-garden: A starter site for building a mind garden with eleventy
11ty Rocks!
A collection of Eleventy (11ty) starters, projects, plugins, and resources created by Stephanie Eckles (@5t3ph).